LUKAS - Worship Encounter Night - Singapore
Hey Singapore friends! You are invited to join us in a night of passionate worship.
Friday 25th Nov, at Bethesda Cathedral, Singapore. Doors open 7pm for 8pm start.
Hope to see you there!
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Sydney, NSW
+61 424 340 782
Worship + training. LUKAS is a worship movement directed by Luke Munns, based at HopeUC, Sydney, NSW, Australia. Similar to Hillsong Live, Hillsong UNITED, Hillsong Young & Free, Rend Collective, Chris Tomlin, Matt Redman, Darlene Zschech, Bethel Music & Jesus Culture.
Hey Singapore friends! You are invited to join us in a night of passionate worship.
Friday 25th Nov, at Bethesda Cathedral, Singapore. Doors open 7pm for 8pm start.
Hope to see you there!
Come join us in watching the new 'LUKAS - Live At The Grove' worship film screening at Event Cinemas, Tuggerah, NSW, Australia.
WHERE: Event Cinemas, Tuggerah Westfield, NSW 2259, Australia
WHEN: 30th November @ 8pm
Stay for drinks afterwards!
Thursday 12th - Friday 13th November 2015
Currently available for Worship Night Bookings in Los Angeles/California Region.
For bookings, contact events@thelukasband.com.
Sunday 15th November 2015
Summit Church - San Marcos, USA.
AM Services - 9am, 11am - Worship and Speaking in services.
PM Service - 6pm - Worship & Prayer Night.
Wednesday 18th November 2015
Next Generation Ministries - ONE - Worship Night.
Surrey Pentecostal Assembly - Surrey, BC, Canada - 7pm.
Free tickets available at Eventbrite.
Thursday 19th November 2015
Kelowna, BC, Canada - Details TBC.
PM - Combined Worship & Prayer Night.
Friday 20th - Saturday 21st November 2015
STIR Conference 2015 - Kelowna, BC, Canada.
3261 Gordon Dr, Kelowna, BC
Tickets available at Eventbrite.
Sunday 22nd November 2015
Kelowna, BC, Canada
PM Services - Details TBC.
Sunday 17th May
Cornerstone Church - Worship in 3 services
Monday 18th May
Riverlife Church - Worship & Training Night
Tuesday 19th May
Cornerstone Church - Worship & Training Night
Friday 22nd May
Hope Church Singapore - Worship & Training night
Sunday 24th May
Eternal Life Assembly - Worship & Speaking in Sunday services